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- Forschung & Publikationen
- Laufende Dissertationen
Development and evaluation of a parent management training for parents of children with intellectual disabilities
Doktorand/-in: Michael Kostulski, Sonderpäd. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. Dr. K. Vogeley, Univ.-Prof. Dr. A. Gerlach
Abschluss: 2025
Utilization of diaries and interventions based on smartphone applications in children with peer related aggression and affective dysregulation
Doktorand/-in: Marlin Straub, M.Sc. Erz.wiss. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten / Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. M. Hellmich, Prof. Dr. C. Albus
Abschluss: 2025
Smartphone applications in the assessment and treatment of peer related aggression and affective dysregulation in children
Doktorand/-in: Anja Fessel M.A. Erz.wiss. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten / PD Dr. C. Hautmann, Univ.-Prof. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. M. Hellmich, Prof. Dr. J. Daumann
Abschluss: 2025
Telephone assisted self-help for parents of children with ADHD: comparing formats of recruitment and efficacy of different media. (WASH-TASH)
Doktorand/-in: Judith Mühlenmeister M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: PD Dr. J. Plück
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. M. Hellmich, PD Dr. E. Rietschel
Abschluss: 2025
Transdiagnosic psychopathology in children an adolescents with different mental health problems
Doktorand/-in: Vanessa Holas, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten / Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. Dr. K. Vogeley / Prof. Dr. M. Hellmich
Abschluss: 2025
Moderation and mediation of treatment effects in children with aggressive behavior treated with a social competence training including a smartphone app
Doktorand/-in: Leonie Hofmann, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten / Dr. C. Dose, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Univ.-Prof. Dr. C. Hanisch (HumFak), Prof. Dr. J. Daumann
Abschluss: 2025
Assessment of psychopathology in children and adolescents with mental disorders referred for outpatient treatment
Doktorand/-in: Jana Rausch, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: PD Dr. C. Hautmann / PD Dr. J. Plück, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. Dr. K. Vogeley / Univ.-Prof. Dr. E. Kalbe
Abschluss: 2025
Modelling of Broadband Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence
Doktorand/-in: Laurence Nawab, M.Sc. Reha-Wissenschaften (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: PD Dr. J. Plück / Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. Dr. K. Vogeley, Prof. Dr. A. Beyer (CECAD)
Abschluss: 2025
Ecological Momentary Assessment of Mood in Adolescents with Internalising Disorders
Doktorand/-in: Lisa Schindler, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, PD Dr. C. Hautmann, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. J. J. Vehreschild, Dr. N. Scholten,
Abschluss: 2026
Utility of smartphone-app recorded diaries in the assessment and treatment of internalizing disorders in adolescence.
Doktorand/-in: Johanna Schäfer, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, PD Dr. C. Hautmann, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. J. J. Vehreschild, Dr. N. Scholten,
Abschluss: 2026
Aggressive behavior problems in children and adolescents: psychometric evaluation of a self-rated symptom assessment and an interactive virtual reality assessment
Doktorand/-in: Simon Klos, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Univ.-Prof. Dr. N. Ernstmann, Univ-Prof. Dr. A. Gerlach (HumFak)
Abschluss: 2026
Individualized assessment and monitoring of child behavioral and emotional problems
Doktorand/-in: Sarah Willems, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: PD Dr. C. Hautmann, PD Dr. E. von Wirth, Dr. C. Dose
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. Martin Hellmich, Dr. Anja Ophey
Abschluss: 2026
Internet gaming disorder and excessive media use in children and adolescents - assessment and relation to other mental disorders and psychosocial Impairment
Doktorand/-in: Lynn Pasch, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. Martin Hellmich, Prof. Dr. Jan Peters (HumFak)
Abschluss: 2027
Effects of the virtual interaction training for kids (VIT4KIDS) with peer related aggressive behaviour
Doktorand/-in: Celina Müller, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Univ.-Prof. Dr. N. Ernstmann, Univ.-Prof. Dr. A. Gerlach (HumFak)
Abschluss: 2027
Mobile based training for parents of children with ADHD: Effects and mediation
Doktorand/-in: Lea Sulprizio, M.Sc. Psych. (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. M. Hellmich, Dr. A.K. Folkerts
Abschluss: 2027
Prediction and moderation of treatment effects of digitally facilitated social competence trainings for children with peer-related aggression
Doktorand/-in: Sophie Burwick, M.Sc. Psych (PhD-Aspirantin)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Prof. Dr. M. Hellmich, PD Dr. Kambeitz-Ilankivic
Abschluss: 2028
Effects of individual and group parent training enhanced by mobile-based interventions for par-ents of children with ADHD and ODD.
Doktorand/-in: Merle Wehrmann, M.Sc. Psych (PhD)
Betreuer / Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. A. Görtz-Dorten, Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. M. Döpfner
Tutoren: Univ.-Prof. Dr. E. Kalbe; Prof. Dr. Dr. K. Vogeley
Abschluss: 2028